Why we believe the arts are so important

At the Romani Cultural & Arts Company, we believe that participation in the arts can:


1. Increase people’s confidence and sense of self-worth

2. Extend involvement in social activity

3. Give people influence over how they are seen by others

4. Stimulate interest and confidence in the arts

5. Provide a forum to explore personal rights and responsibilities

6. Contribute to the educational development of children

7. Encourage adults to take up education and training opportunities

8. Help build new skills and work experience

9. Contribute to people’s employability

10. Help people take up or develop careers in the arts

11. Reduce isolation by helping people to make friends

12. Develop community networks and sociability

13. Promote tolerance and contribute to conflict resolution

14. Provide a forum for intercultural understanding and friendship

15. Help validate the contribution of a whole community

16. Promote intercultural contact and co-operation

17. Develop contact between the generations

18. Help offenders and victims address issues of crime

19. Provide a route to rehabilitation and integration for offenders

20. Build community organisational capacity

21. Encourage local self-reliance and project management

22. Help people extend control over their own lives

23. Be a means of gaining insight into political and social ideas

24. Facilitate effective public consultation and participation

25. Help involve local people in the regeneration process

26. Facilitate the development of partnership

27. Build/Support Community Projects

28. Strengthen community co-operation and networking

29. Develop pride in local traditions and cultures

30. Help people feel a sense of belonging and involvement

31. Create community traditions in new towns or neighbourhoods

32. Involve residents in environmental improvements

33. Provide reasons for people to develop community activities

34. Improve perceptions of marginalised groups

35. Help transform the image of public bodies

36. Make people feel better about where they live

37. Help people develop their creativity

38. Erode the distinction between consumer and creator

39. Allow people to explore their values, meanings dreams

40. Enrich the practice of professionals in the public and voluntary sectors

41. Transform the responsiveness of public service organisations

42. Encourage people to accept risk positively

43. Help community groups raise their vision beyond the immediate

44. Challenge conventional service delivery

45. Raise expectations about what is possible and desirable

46. Have a positive impact on how people feel

47. Be an effective means of health education

48. Contribute to a more relaxed atmosphere in health centres

49. Help improve the quality of life of people with poor health

50. Provide a unique deep source of enjoyment


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