The Llanelli Multicultural Network(LMCN) in partnership with the Llanelli Town Neighbourhood Policing Team(NPT) held a very well attended and successful event on Monday 22nd November celebrating Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Culture and Heritage.
It was well supported by members of the settled and traveller communities. The event featured story teller Teleri Grey who told stories her family’s history in Wales.
Speeches of support were given by Assembly member Helen Mary Jones AM. and PC Adrian Ward traveller Liaison Officer with the NPT.
There were lots of interactive craft activities for people of all ages to enjoy.
Helen Mary Jones was also on hand to present an award to 11 year old Chloe Lee from Coedcae School. Chloe had designed the winning entry in the “design a logo” for the “Gypsy Traveller Learning and Future Employment” project. She received a voucher for a new bicycle.
Senior Project officer with the LMCN said after the event” It was so nice to see so many people from the community here. Especially encouraging was the chance to meet with families from the local Traveller community. The father of one family said it was time for his community to have a voice “ Paolo added “ we can now make a start at have a meaningful dialogue with the Traveller community and see how we can all work together”
A huge thanks to everybody who came and took part in the events.
Pictures of the event will be available on our “facebook” page ..llanelli multicultural network or visit our website
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