Dr Daniel Baker has two summer exhibitions:
The Cardiff Story Museum – The Old Library The Hayes, Cardiff, CF10 1BH – FREE ADMISSION Open Monday to Saturday 10am – 4pm
An Arts Council of Wales funded project gets the green light
Daniel Baker’s ‘Makeshifting: structures of mobility’ opens 1st June to 13th June 2015
Art Central Town Hall, King Square, Barry, CF63 4RW – FREE ADMISSION Open Monday to Saturday 10am – 4pm
Daniel Baker’s ‘Makeshifting: structures of mobility’ opens 29th June to 1st August 2015
The Romani Cultural & Arts Company is proud to announce an exciting new venture that will enable the development of innovative artworks by established and emerging Gypsy and Traveller artists. The Gypsy Maker project will engage the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller communities with the wider public in ongoing dialogue about the ways in which art continues to inform our lives. ‘An exciting, unique and inclusive project’ says Jane Hutt Minister of Finance, Welsh Government.
Daniel Baker will be our established artist for the pilot year 2014-15. Baker is a Romani Gypsy. An artist, curator and theorist, he holds a PhD on the subject of Gypsy aesthetics from the Royal College of Art, London. Recent publications include We Roma: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art, 2013. Baker’s work is exhibited internationally and can be found in collections across Europe, America, and Asia.
The Makeshifting exhibition project has wide reaching implications, highlighting as it does the timely issue of physical migration. Free movement without prohibition or prosecution remains a pressing issue for GRT groups in the UK and the rest of Europe. Despite being a founding tenet of the European Union, mobility, whether through forced eviction or economic nomadism, continues to be seen as a threat to the very foundations of society. Makeshifting offers an alternative view by repositioning the inherent qualities of mobility as valuable rather than threatening. The structures of mobility examined in Makeshifting are considered in relation to physical, social, economic and aesthetic terrains with particular emphasis on relationships between the marginal and the mainstream in society.
The Romani Cultural & Arts Company invites you to see the works and meet the artist at the opening of this new exhibition by Daniel Baker.
Please download any of the resources and materials below:
260615 Makeshifting introduction in English and Welsh double sided 2 pages
260615 MakeShifting works overview in English and Welsh double sided 2 pages
Image: Paper Ladder © Daniel Baker 2015
Press coverage notably from (Travellers’ Time, Travellers’ Time, National Association of Teachers of Travellers+Other Professionals, Cardiff Story Museum, Cardiff News Room, Art Central Programme – Vale of Glamorgan Council, Summer 15 Live! – RCT Cultural Services, Arts Council England, Arts Council of Wales & CCQ magazine)
The Romani Cultural and Arts Company is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.
Mae’n bleser gan y Romani Cultural & Arts Company gyhoeddi menter newydd gyffrous a fydd yn galluogi datblygu gweithiau celf arloesol gan artistiaid sydd wedi ennill eu plwyf ac artistiaid newydd sy’n Sipsiwn a Theithwyr. Bydd y project ‘Gypsy Maker’ yn creu trafodaeth barhaus rhwng y gymuned Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr a’r cyhoedd yn ehangach am y ffyrdd y mae celf yn parhau i ddylanwadu ar ein bywydau. Yn ôl Jane Hutt, Gweinidog Cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru mae’r project yn ‘gyffrous, unigryw a chynhwysol’.
Daniel Baker, sy’n Sipsi Romani, fydd yr artist preswyl ar gyfer y flwyddyn beilot 2014-15. Mae yntau’n artist, curadur a damcaniaethwr, sydd â PhD mewn Estheteg y Sipsiwn o’r Coleg Celf Brenhinol, Llundain. Ymhlith ei gyhoeddiadau diweddar mae We Roma: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art, 2013. Caiff gwaith Baker ei arddangos yn rhyngwladol a gellir gweld ei waith mewn casgliadau ledled Ewrop, America ac Asia.
Mae goblygiadau eang i broject arddangosfa Pethau Dros Dro, gan dynnu sylw at ymfudo, sy’n fater cyfoes o bwys. Mae’r rhyddid i symud heb waharddiadau neu erledigaeth yn dal i fod yn fater o bwys i grwpiau Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr yn y DU a gweddill Ewrop. Er ei fod yn un o gredoau sylfaenol yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, mae symudedd, b’un ai oherwydd troi allan gorfodol neu nomadiaeth economaidd, yn dal i gael ei ystyried yn fygythiad i seiliau cymdeithas. Mae’r arddangosfa Pethau Dros Dro yn cynnig safbwynt amgen, drwy gyflwyno rhinweddau cynhenid symudedd fel rhywbeth gwerthfawr yn hytrach na’n rhywbeth bygythiol. Caiff strwythurau symudedd yr arddangosfa Pethau Dros Dro eu hystyried mewn perthynas â’r meysydd ffisegol, cymdeithasol, economaidd ac estheteg, gan osod pwyslais penodol ar y gydberthynas rhwng yr ymylon â chymdeithas brif ffrwd.
Mae’r Romani Cultural Arts Company yn eich gwahodd i weld y gweithiau celf a chwrdd â’r artist yn agoriad yr arddangosfa newydd hon gan Daniel Baker.
Delwedd: Paper Ladder © Daniel Baker 2015