The Romani Cultural & Arts Company are once again co-ordinating the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller (GRT) History Month 2015. Wales is a beacon of excellence in the promotion of equality of opportunity for all and for inclusive practices across services. Join us in June 2015 for a celebration of this and more.
Throughout Wales, there will be a variety of events taking place to celebrate the rich culture and heritage of Gypsy, Roma & Traveller communities. There will be exhibitions, performances and workshops accessible to all sectors of the community, with some key events taking place in North & South Wales.
Your school now has the opportunity to participate in our ‘Design-a-Badge’ competition which is open to all Primary schools in Wales and culminates in a Gala event on Wednesday 24th June 2015 at St David’s Hall in Cardiff. The competition supports the National Literacy & Numeracy Framework and is open to all children with two entry categories available: Key Stage 1 entries and Key Stage 2 entries. This is the perfect way to celebrate big themes such as diversity and equality as well as an opportunity to explore history and culture in an exciting way. Be inclusive, be included, get involved!
All participating schools will receive a thank you letter and certificate of participation. Winning designs will be produced as a set of badges for distribution by the Romani Cultural and Arts Company throughout 2015. Prizes for winners will be presented on Wednesday 24th June 2015, in Cardiff by Dr Daniel Baker and Isaac Blake.
All entries to be submitted by 1st May 2015 to the address below
The Romani Cultural and Arts Company, Temple Court, 13a Cathedral Road , Cardiff, CF11 9HA
Please download the Badge Competition Templates and Letters here: Badge Design Competition templates E and W
Press coverage notably from (Travellers’ Time, Cardiff Third Sector Council, Wales Council for Voluntary Action & National Association of Teachers of Travellers+Other Professionals)
The Romani Cultural and Arts Company is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.
Mae’r Cwmni Diwylliant a Chelf Romani unwaith eto yn cydlynu Mis Hanes Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr (SRT) 2015. Mae Cymru’n rhagori o ran hyrwyddo cyfle cyfartal i bawb ac arferion cynhwysol ar draws gwasanaethau. Ymunwch â ni ym mis Mehefin 2015 i ddathlu.
Ledled Cymru, bydd amrywiaeth o ddigwyddiadau’n cael eu cynnal i ddathlu diwylliant a threftadaeth gyfoethog cymunedau Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr. Bydd arddangosfeydd, perfformiadau a gweithdai ar gael i bob rhano’r gymuned, gyda rhai digwyddiadau allweddol yn cael eu cynnal yng ngogledd a de Cymru.
Mae eich ysgol bellach yn cael cyfle i gymryd rhan yn ein cystadleuaeth ‘Dylunio Bathodyn’, sydd ar agor i bob ysgol gynradd yng Nghymru. Bydd yn cloi gyda digwyddiad Gala ddydd Mercher 24 Mehefin 2015 yn Neuadd Dewi Sant, Caerdydd. Mae’r gystadleuaeth yn ategu’r Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd Cenedlaethol ac mae ar agor i bob plentyn. Ceir dau gategori: Cyfnod Allweddol 1 a Chyfnod Allweddol 2. Dyma’r ffordd berffaith o ddathlu themâu mawr fel amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb. Mae hefyd yn gyfle i edrych ar hanes a diwylliant mewn ffordd gyffrous. Cymerwch ran dros gynhwysiant!
Bydd pob ysgol sy’n cymryd rhan yn cael llythyr o ddiolch a thystysgrif. Caiff y dyluniadau buddugol eu llunio fel set o fathodynnau i’w dosbarthu gan y Cwmni Diwylliant a Chelf Romani drwy gydol 2015. Caiff y gwobrau i’r enillwyr eu cyflwyno ddydd Mercher 24 Mehefin 2015 yng Nghaerdydd gan Dr Daniel Baker ac Isaac Blake.
Lawrlwythwch y templed yma Badge Design Competition templates E and W
Rhaid cyflwyno ceisiadau erbyn 1 Mai 2015 i’r cyfeiriad isod:
Cwmni Diwylliant a Chelf Romani
Temple Court
13a Heol y Gadeirlan
CF11 9HA