On the 8th of April 2021 we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the groundbreaking 1st World Romany Congress which took place in London in 1971 and which has been a milestone of the International Romany Movement. Arts and Culture have been a strong inspiration for the political movement of Sinti and Roma and continue to play an essential role as a form of civic expression as well as a strategy of emancipation and cultural resistance.
This exhibition is curated by Beverley Carpenter (Oblique Arts, UK) and Mortiz Pankok (Stiftung Kai Dikhas). It was planned as a physical exhibition at the 198 Gallery and Contemporary Learning space in South London. We anticipate that this show will take place later in the year.
Due to Covid-19 visitors are able, now, to view five online galleries: -The curator’s selection includes sculptures, paintings, drawings and photography from Damian Le Bas, Imrich Tomáš, Gérard Gartner and other artists who have produced iconic works. -The Commissioned Artworks gallery shows works that were selected by a jury from Europe wide applications. Klára Lakatos, George Vasilsescu and 8 further artist’s work. Jurers: Beverley Carpenter, Moritz Pankok, Isaac Blake (Romani Cultural and Arts Company) and Miguel Angel Vargas (ERIAC).
-The Archive Gallery introduces viewers to Melanie Spitta, filmmaker and important historical figures in Roma history. -The Artist’s Gallery contains work from Bogumila Delimata, from Poland and József Ferkovics from Hungary, among others. -Finally there is an Educational Gallery where there is work from organisations such as the BUDAÖRSI TANODA Foundation in Budapest.
Exhibition: www.worldromacongressart.comOpening event: April 7th 17.00 UK time, email: romanyjubilee@kaidikhas.com. April 8th program: www.romanistan.com
Attached artwork D.I.R (Déchet Industriel Recyclé) by Gérard GartnerExhibition poster