Helen Mary Jones, AM was joined by young people from Newport and Cardiff Schools to launch Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month today at the Senedd.
The young people, 5 from Newport and 3 from Cardiff, had all taken part in competitions to design posters for this year’s events in the 2 cities. About 100 people turned out to see the young people awarded their prizes and to hear Helen Mary and Isaac Blake talk about the importnace of GRT History Month as a means of changing attitudes and challenging preconceptions.
Carol Lewis (Cardiff Traveller Education Service) and Tracey Pead (GEMS, Newport) both spoke of their pride in the work of the young people and their role in breaking down barriers. This had been much more than an arts competition, schools in both cities had explored GRT culture in a way that seldom happens, but should happen much more.
The two winning posters are now being displayed across the two cities, while the original art work of all of the children will be displayed at:
– The Riverfront Theatre and Arts Centre, Newport throughout June
– County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff from 22nd June – 2nd July
– Cardiff Central Library from 21st – 28th June
Please click here to visit Romani Arts Flickr Album: www.flickr.com
In the meantime you can click on the links below to see the winning entries:
Charlotte Price’s Winning poster design
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