Daniel Baker is a Romani Gypsy born in Kent, United Kingdom in 1961. An artist, curator and theorist, he holds a PhD on the subject of Gypsy aesthetics from the Royal College of Art, London. Baker is curator of FUTUROMA at the 58th International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale 2019. He acted as exhibitor and advisor to the first and second Roma Pavilions: Paradise Lost and “Call the Witness” at the 52nd and 54th Venice Biennales respectively. Baker‘s work examines the role of art in the enactment of social agency through an eclectic practice that interrogates contemporary art discourse and its social implications via the reconfiguration of elements of the Roma aesthetic. Baker acted as Visual Advisor to the RomArchive: international digital archive of Roma arts. His interest in Gypsy visuality was sparked by his research into the experience of Gay Romani men in the UK carried out for his MA dissertation titled ̳The Queer Gypsy‘ which was subsequently published by the ERRC. Publications include We Roma: A Critical Reader in Contemporary
Art (2013) and Ex Libris (2009). Baker‘s work is exhibited internationally and can be found in collections worldwide. Former Chair of the Gypsy Council (2006–2009). He lives and works in London.
Web site: www.danielbaker.net