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The Romani Cultural & Arts Company is once again co-ordinating the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller (GRT) History Month 2017. Wales is a beacon of excellence in the promotion of equality of opportunity for all and for inclusive practices across services. Join us in 2017 for a celebration of this and more.

During June 2017, throughout Wales, there will be a variety of events taking place to celebrate the rich culture and heritage of Gypsy, Roma & Traveller communities. There will be exhibitions, performances and workshops accessible to all sectors of the community, with some key events taking place in North Wales & South Wales.

Your school now has the opportunity to participate in our ‘Design-a-Bandana’ competition which is open to all Primary schools in Wales and culminates in a Gala event in June 2017. The competition supports the National Literacy & Numeracy Framework and is open to all children with two entry categories available: Key Stage 1 entries and Key Stage 2 entries. This is the perfect way to celebrate big themes such as diversity and equality as well as an opportunity to explore history and culture in an exciting way. Be inclusive, be included, get involved!

All participating schools will receive a ‘thank you’ letter and certificate of participation. Winning designs will be produced as a bandana for distribution by the Romani Cultural and Arts Company throughout 2017. Prizes for winners will be presented in June 2017.

Please see our website for further details and for the competition template that school children must use: romaniarts.co.uk

All entries to be submitted by 5pm on Monday 22nd May 2017 to the address below:

The Romani Cultural and Arts Company Temple Court
13a Cathedral Road
CF11 9HA

Please download the Bandana Competition Templates and Letters here: (Bandana Competition letter English 2017, & Bandana Competition template English 2017)

Press coverage notably from (Travellers’ Times, ACERTFamilyPoint Cymru & BASW)


Cyflwynir drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg


Eleni mi fydd Cwmni Diwylliannol a chelfyddydol Roma yn cydlyni a mis hanes GRT 2017. Ar draws ei gwasanaethau mae Cymru yn hybu cyfleuoedd cyfartal i bawb. Ymunwch gyda ni er mwyn ddathlu hwn ar y cyd a chymryd rhan yn lu o ddigwyddiadau.

Yn ystod Mehefin 2017 mi fydd ystod eang o ddigwyddiadau ar draws Gymru gyfan yn ddathlu cyfoeth ddiwylliant ei cumunedau. Mi fydd arddangosfeydd, perfformiadau, a gweithdai ar gael i holl sectorau’r gymuned, gydag achlysuron allweddol yng Nghogledd a de Cymru.

Mae gan eich ysgol y cyfle i gymryd mewn rhan a’r gystadlaeth ‘Dylunio Bandana’ sydd ar agor i bob ysgol Gynradd yng nghymru fel rhan o’r gala ym mis Mehefin. Mae’r cystadleuaeth yn cefnogi rhwydwaith rhifedd a llythrenedd ac yn agor i ddisgyblion cyfnod allwedd un a dau. Mae’r ddigwyddiad yn achlysur wych i ddathlu ac i hybu themau fel oddefgarwdd ac amrywiaeth cymunedau, ac yn cyfle i gydweithio a diwylliant a hanes mewn modd cyffrous a chreadigol. Byddwch yn oddefgar,byddwch.

Bydd tystysgrif a llythr o ddiolch yn cael eu darparu i bob ysgol sy’n cymryd rhan. Mi fydd dyluniadau gorau y cystadleuaeth yn cael ei troi’n patrymau ar bandanas go iawn a’n cael ei darparu gan Cwmni diwylliannol a chelfyddydol Roma trwy gydol 2017. Mi fydd gwobrau yn cael ei cyflwyno i goreuon y cystadleuaet h ym Mehefin 2017

Am manylion pellach: romaniarts.co.uk

Pob cais mewn erbyn 5yh Dydd Llun Mai 22ain 2017 i’r cyfeiriad canlynol.

The Romani Cultural and Arts Company Temple Court
13a Cathedral Road
CF11 9HA

Lawrlwythwch y Templedi Cystadleuaeth Bandana a Llythyrau yma: (Bandana Competition letter Welsh 2017 & Bandana Competition template Welsh 2017)