
The EQUALITY organization has worked to uphold and secure the rights of the Roma ethnic minority group, who migrated to Great Britain and Northern Ireland from Eastern European countries. Roma are regarded as the most vulnerable and deprived ethnic group within Europe. Equality supports Roma individuals and communities to resolve employment, housing, education, healthcare and social welfare issues through research, dialogue and engagement with local authorities, service providers, central government and others.

Equality has a particularly useful series of publications that can be used as part of training or as guides for supporting local work with Roma communities in Wales. The report, ‘From Segregation to Inclusion: Roma pupils in the United Kingdom’ was produced in partnership with the Roma Education Fund (http://romaeducationfund.org/), about the segregated education systems that many Roma children and young people are forced into attending in their countries of origin and their transition into the British mainstream education system when their families migrate. A very useful report for Welsh teachers seeking to understand the background to their Roma pupils and how they (teachers) can build successful strategies for inclusion.

Web-site: www.equality.uk.com