The Romani Cultural and Arts Company is pleased to invite you to the National Symposium. The event is being held on Monday, 24th June, 10.00am – 5.00pm at City Hall in Cardiff. It is being organised by the RCAC, with the support of the Open Society Institute’s Early Childhood Programme, Roma ‘Kopaçi’ projects.
The National Symposium is a development of the annual Gypsy, Roma & Traveller History Month Workshop, inaugurated by Dr Adrian Marsh in 2010, that encourages members from Local Authority, Central Government and GRT communities to discuss openly the challenges experienced in accessing services and provision. The previous annual workshops, held in Newport have been aimed at promoting a better understanding and appreciation of the developments needed to establish improved social cohesion and integrate GRT communities for the greater good and have been led by Dr Marsh and Professor Thomas Acton in 2011 and then by the Romani Cultural & Arts Company since 2012.
In 2013, the message has been extended to include the concerns regarding wider Romani communities across Europe and beyond. The situation in many countries in the European Union is a cause for profound concern, as the recent report from the former Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammerberg has noted. Beyond the borders of the EU, the economic and social conditions for Roma and other Gypsy groups grow more grave day by day. Many of these communities are now present in the UK and Wales in particular and they seek better opportunities for improved quality of life and access to services.
In particular, concerns to improve access to quality, early childhood education and care services, seen as the key mechanism to achieving long-term change for Romani peoples, are at the heart of this year’s symposium. The main focus for this year is accommodation and the home and the associated issues relating to access to high quality support and services. We will have a number of important speakers coming from a wide range of organisations that promote and support Romani rights, in addition to well- known academic experts in the field of Romani Studies, policy and development.
Speakers and workshop leaders will include a judge with experience of dealing with the GRT community, Dr Margaret Greenfields, a Slovakian early childhood expert and experienced representatives from the fields of policing and social work. All of these will bring a fresh look at the issues and support delegates in exploring potential solutions.
I hope you will be able to join us, and would be grateful for your early your early confirmation by email to We recommend that you book as soon as possible as delegate numbers are limited.
Please click on the link to download Delegate Guide: National Symposium 2013 Delegate Guide