An Exhibition by Cas Holmes as part of Gypsy Maker 4
The artworks produced for this exhibition navigate Cas’ reflections upon her Romany heritage. Her interest in the commonalities that we share as people, the need for a place of our own, family and food inform much of the content of the show. The places and landscapes that Cas walks through are reflected in the imagery and materials that she uses. The nature of tea (O-Cha in Japan and Chai in India), for example is a common motive of social gathering. ‘Putting the Kettle on’ is a welcome sign of companionship and discussion and symbolic of her personal, creative and cultural growth. The exhibition displays a new found confidence drawn from her Romany cultural background, a background which was often obscured, sometimes as a necessary mechanism of protection, through education. Research in India has moved Cas toward a greater understanding of the roots of her heritage.