Date: Thursday 27th February 2020 (9.30 AM – 5:30 PM)
Venue: Coventry University
PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A CLOSED EVENT- If you are interested in attending, please contact Rosa Cisneros at E:
“Welcoming Culture in Universities- Awareness of Gypsy Roma Traveller’s culture” is new research activity working to bring together GRT and non-GRT academics and artists in partnership with policymakers, particularly to better understand local, regional or national challenges. The project will link to policy concerns regarding GRT students in HE and will enable the research team (Cisneros) to further existing research that is examining GRT in HE activities – e.g. scaling up the preliminary report, working on developing a network and host a symposium and an exhibition on the CU campus. The findings will directly feed into a follow up to the GRT in HE report that was drafted with Baroness Whitaker from Westminster.
Through a one-day symposium/workshop and an art exhibition the research team will draw upon its institutional expertise given the networks which already exist – e.g. work with NGOs, other UK universities and collaboration with local academics and artists. The project will provide more evidence in relation to the challenges facing young people before they can begin to access FE or HE and the art exhibition will explore themes around exclusion.
In March 2020, BUCKS University, with the support of Prof Margaret Greenfields will be welcoming artist and researcher Dr Daniel Baker who will be exhibiting Ex Libris. The show includes Baker’s Mirrored Book series, collectively named the Mirrored Library, which explores the historic absence of literary document within Roma culture and the corresponding excision of Roma from Western histories. The works employ elements of a Roma aesthetic to articulate the complexities of elusive visibility and the mechanisms of exclusion. The exhibition will coincide with the April 7th, 2020 “The Future is BRiGhT” event which will look at Enabling Opportunities for BAME and Gypsy, Traveller and Roma (GTR) Graduates into Social Policy. More info can be found here: Eventbrite
Funded By: QR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FUND 2019-20// Coventry University Centre for Dance Research
Organising Committee:
Rosa Cisneros Research Fellow, Centre for Dance Research, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Coventry University
Professor Margaret Greenfields; PhD; SFHEA
Professor of Social Policy & Community Engagement
Director: Institute for Diversity Research, Inclusivity, Communities and Society (IDRICS) Faculty of Society & Health, Buckinghamshire New University
Sherrie Smith Research Assistant, Human and Social Science Buckinghamshire New University
9.30-10.00: Coffee Reception
10:00-10:20: Welcome from C-DaRE
10:20-11:00: Overview from Prof. Margaret Greenfields, Sherrie Smith and Gill Brown (Baroness Aide)
11:00-12:15: Session 1: Dr Alex Marinov and Terezia Rostas
12:15-14:00: Lunch at ICE
14:00-15:00: Session 2: Dr Daniel Baker and Isaac Blake from Romani Cultural and Arts Company
15:00-16:30: Session 3 Policy and GRT in HE workshop led by Prof. Greenfields and Rosa Cisneros
16:30-17:00: Coffee Break
17:00-17:30: Closing Remarks