A workshop for artists, community–workers and educators
The RCAC ‘Missing Manual’ Training 17th December 2019
Romani Cultural and Arts Company invited a small group of artists, community–workers and educators to join a workshop, led by Dr Adrian Marsh, where materials, topic sheets, activity plans and guidelines on ‘best practice’ were shared, a series of practical exercises took place and the opportunity to explore creative approaches and innovative, imaginative-based practice were discussed, with the engagement of experts and Community Champions from the Romani and Traveller communities in Wales.
The workshop delivered to each participant a copy of a new resource pack of proven activities, workshop plans and topic sheets for working with Romani and Traveller children and young people, the RCAC ‘Missing Manual’, which will become a compendium of essential materials and guidelines, for creatively engaging with and working effectively amongst, Romani and Traveller families and children in the work of arts, crafts and media practitioners.
The workshop programme covered the following:
• An introduction to Romani and Traveller communities in Wales, England and the rest of Europe (and how they came to be in Wales)
• Background about the communities, their cultures, languages and histories (and a short historical animated film)
• Ethical guidelines and culturally sensitive working practices, to engaging with marginalised and excluded communities
• Topic sheets, lesson plans and programming for activities and workshops, Romani and Traveller cultures
• Romani and Traveller arts and artists
• Romani language and literature
• Further resources, where to find them;
The workshop was held at the RCAC offices in Temple Court, 13a Cathedral Road, Cardiff on Wednesday 18th December 2019, 09:30 to 14:00. Coffee, refreshments and simple lunch was provided for participants.
One of the participants responded, “I wanted to thank you for providing the training yesterday. It was extremely interesting and informative. I realised how much I still had to learn about the culture and traditions of GRT communities but the training really provided some fascinating insight into the mores and traditions – as well as some of the wonderful art works being produced…”
Please download the pdf here: