The Genshagen Foundation and the Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation invited RCAC to attend this conference in Berlin from 11th September to 12th September 2014.
It was an outstanding event – well planned and stimulating.
RCAC found the time with other professionals and artists from around the globe invaluable and it highlighted the importance and power of the Arts in transforming lives of some of the most vulnerable communities in Europe.
Roma, numbering about 12 million people, represent the largest minority in Europe. A significant number of them live extremely marginalised lives. They are disproportionally affected by discrimination, violence, unemployment, poverty, poor living conditions, weak health standards and a low education level. Antiziganism is still the norm in Europe. In many European countries, governmentally-tolerated and, in some cases, governmentally-organized discrimination against Roma is part of everyday life.
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