West Wales Celebration of Romani Culture

‘KhančeskeYou are WelcomeMai Croeso i chi’

is a two day celebration of Romani and Traveller people and their culture taking place in west Wales on September 30th and October 1st 2011.


Day 1 will include presentations and discussions with members of the local communities, artists, academics and politicians culminating in a

Q & A session with an impressive panel of guest speakers including

Prof. Ian Hancock from the University of Texas, Austin, a Romani scholar, linguist and political advocate.

Also speaking will be Dr.Sarah Cemlyn, School for Policy Studies, Bristol University, Susan Alexander, Travellers’ Aid Trust and Simon Thomas AM for Mid & West Wales and Isaac Blake, Roman Cultural & Arts Company.

Teleri Gray & Robin Hugh Bowen will make a connection with Welsh Romani history by giving a rare performance of storytelling accompanied by the Triple Harp.


Politics & Culture Gwleidyddiaeth & Diwylliant

Llanelli, Glenalla Civic Hall SA15 1EE

September 30 Medi 10 – 5

info: 01559 362843  look@simply-solar.co.uk


Day 2 sees the opening of a new photographic exhibition by Romani photographer Andrea Annamária Duka and the UK launch of the Roma Media Archive www.romamediaarchive.net inaugurated at the Roma Pavillion www.callthewitness.org of the 54th Venice Biennale 2011.

There will be workshops with Scottish artist Shamus McPhee plus cash prizes for the best pictures and ‘Identity Through Movement’ will be explored with Romani dancer and choreographer Isaac Blake.

At 6.00pm traditional Romani food, cooked by ‘Hungry Dragon’ over a stick fire will be enjoyed followed by a wildly energetic Hungarian Ceilidh with the Jani Lang Band.


Exhibitions, Workshops, Romani Food & Hungarian Ceilidh

Arddangosfeydd, Gweithdai, Bwyd a Romani a Hwngaraidd Ceilidh

Cardigan, Small World Theatre SA43 1JY

October 1 Hydref 2 – 11

info: 01559 362843  look@simply-solar.co.uk

or: 01239 615952   info@smallworld.org.uk

Kethanes džastar

Let’s get together Gadewch i ni ddod at ei gilydd

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The Romani Cultural and Arts Company is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.

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